Monday Wishlist Roundup: The Rebirth of Dead Dreams Edition
I’m out of my cave! I had around 50-60 English essays to mark (I lost count), an article to write, and a thesis chapter to finish. A couple of weeks and lots of coffee later I’m back and ready to…
Monday Wishlist: We All Looked Up
I just spent the last night having the worst heartburn of my life. Thankfully, I survived long enough to make this post and tell the world about YA Literature’s answer to the age-old question: what happens when you take a…
Yesterday in #WeNeedDiverseBooks: Lee and Low Talks Diversity Behind the Scenes
If you’ve been following the #WeNeedDiverseBooks and the #DiversityinYA campaign, then you’d know (and let’s be honest, it’s pretty obvious anyway) that there’s a definite lack of books being published that aren’t starring predominantly white (cis, straight) characters. Different people…
Monday Wishlist: The Girl at Midnight
First off: SLEEPY HOLLOW IS TONIGHT YESSSS!!!! And to a lesser extent, Gotham. Okay, okay. I’m kind of excited for Gotham too. Maybe. I mean… I’m interested in seeing where it goes. To be honest, the idea of a Batman…
How to Survive the Wait: Free Advice
The wait. Sigh. Yep. The wait truly is the hardest part. The hardest part of being a writer. Uh, okay, one of them. [youtube] If you’re a writer, you probably know. Waiting is involved at every stage of the…
Monday Wishlist: How to Get Away With Murder
Hey kiddies! Just got back from spending a good 10 minutes trying to find my car in a huge hospital parking lot because I was too dumb to take note of my spot before I left XD Anyway, it’s been…
Sunday Musings: The Power of Words
So, years ago I read a very powerful article over at the Rejectionist written by the amazing author Neesha Meminger. It’s about the power of words. Peanut Gallery: “The power of words? What you mean like saying Bloody Mary in…
Monday Wishlist: Winter
On Tuesday??????? Lol, Unfortunately last night I was up to my ears in an article I was furiously trying to finish that day – an academic article I’m hoping to publish (yay does that make a real PhD student now??…
Happy September! *~*Monday Wishlist*~*
It’s September! Which means new school term, new beginnings, new projects, and hopefully a fresh batch of inspiration! First of all to keep my energy up and my engine running, I’ll be working out with this lady (though she…
Books Read in July 2014
Reblogging because once again I love that picture! Feather Bound is in great company 🙂