
Monday Wishlist: Winter

On Tuesday???????


Lol, Unfortunately last night I was up to my ears in an article I was furiously trying to finish that day – an academic article I’m hoping to publish (yay does that make a real PhD student now?? :D). It really sucks when some stupid personal set backs keep you from sticking to a deadline, but luckily I have a few more days to work on it. So without further ado…

*~*Monday Wishlist*~*

13206900No, not the season, not looking forward to that much. I mean the book. THE BOOK! You know about these, right?


The LUNAR CHRONICLES by Marissa Meyer! It’s seriously one of the funnest YA series I’ve come across. Lots of charismatic, vivid characters, great lore, clear/concise writing and most importantly a great, fun adventure! This is another one that reminds me of the kind of fun I used to have playing J-RPGs. And what’s really cool is that the author is a total Moonie like me! You think she’s watching SAILOR MOON CRYSTAL? 😀


Anyway, the adventure has just gotten better and better with each book. There’s already three out. I know she’s got two more books in the series coming: one that focuses on her Queen Beryl-esque baddie Queen Levana. The other is WINTER, which stars – get this – a black Snow White! The goodreads description of WINTER is very …uh…detailed:

This book will feature Cinder and Snow White and will take place on the moon.

Lol! But I mean at this point this is basically all we need. The fact that her Snow White is black is especially incredible. I think, being a black author myself, and a geek, and an avid reader, it kind of sucks to not see myself represented anywhere (or barely) in the mainstream cultural content I consume. So kudos to Meyer for that! The only downside is that we have to wait over a year for the book: November 24, 2015??? That’s just wrong. I want it now ;_;

tumblr_n2dj7oc0lp1r4ga6vo1_500Lol that Dystopian-YA marketing I c u XD (and isn’t Cinder supposed to be half-Asian??? Where’s Kai?)

But I’m joining! Sign me up. Especially since there are dashing rogues flying talking space ships involved.

til next time 😀

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  • Nirvana

    And you own ALL three books in hardback? Lucky girl 😀

    And nooo, I can’t believe we wait an *entire* year for the book. That’s impossible for my fangirl within. She wants it NOW 🙂

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